National Luxembourgish costumes
At one of the lessons, the children got acquainted with the features of the Luxembourg costume and its elements.
And also preparations for the final concert began, where the audience will find many surprises related to the history and traditions of Luxembourg.
Fuesent - the carnival in Luxembourg
In Luxembourg, Fuesent is the carnival period.
Luxembourgers love to celebrate carnival. Between Candlemas (Liichtmëssdag) on February 2 and Ash Wednesday (Äschermëttwoch, early March), the carnival season in Luxembourg is the craziest of the year.
Masquerades, parades and cavalcades for children and adults are organized by different associations in Luxembourg, providing the fun time for everyone who loves to celebrate carnival. Almost every village in Luxembourg hosts at least one ball, turning the streets of Luxembourg into one big party space with food, drinks and entertainment.
The children at school also joined in the fun.
Why they say so...
Folk wisdom is the experience accumulated by peoples over a long period of human development.
And for every nation, this wisdom reflects the peculiarities of speech, language, behavior, traditions and human relations.
Therefore, within the framework of the project "Once upon a time there was Luxembourg", we introduced the rubric
"Why they say so..."
This time we took 2 Luxembourgish phrases
• Wou den Apel Läit ass en Äppelbam net wäit
• D'Aarbecht huet eng batter Wuerzel an eng séiss Fruucht
And together they began to search and discuss their meaning, translate into Russian, look for similar expressions in other languages.